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​10/8-12 Write the Room Letter Z

by Classroom Activities

Posted on October 16, 2018

Student standing in front of a cloth bookcase and stone wall October 8-12 our letters for the week were V and Z. Our write the room focused on words that begin with the letter Z.

With these students walk around finding the words to write on their paper.

This activity gets students moving, writing and builds teamwork. Many students collaborate with one another to help find words or to help those who cannot find words.

Students standing facing a blue bulletin board











Words are placed in a variety of places inside the classroom. 





Student pointing at curtain




I have 2 sets of the same words around the classroom. This allows for differentiation and a “challenge” for students who like the “hunt”. 

In letter Z write the room one of the “challenge” spots ws under the curtain.

Picture of her telling me she’s found the word.